Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

10 Bangunan Tertinggi di Dunia

10. Jin Mao Tower (Shanghai)
Jin Mao Tower 10 pencakarlangit tertinggi di dunia Jin Mao Tower harfiah. “Golden Prosperity Building” merupakan landmark 88-cerita supertall pencakar langit di daerah Lujiazui distrik Pudong Shanghai, Republik Rakyat Cina. Ini berisi kantor-kantor dan hotel Shanghai Grand Hyatt. Sampai tahun 2007 ini menjadi bangunan tertinggi di RRC, yang tertinggi kelima di dunia dengan ketinggian atap dan tertinggi ketujuh dengan tinggi puncak.

Jin Mao Tower 10 pencakarlangit highest in the world of Jin Mao Tower literally. "Golden Prosperity Building" is a 88-story landmark supertall skyscraper in the Lujiazui area of ​​Pudong district of Shanghai, People's Republic of China. It contains offices and the Shanghai Grand Hyatt hotel. Until 2007 it became the tallest building in the PRC, the fifth highest in the world by roof height and the seventh highest peak height.through artstyleonline
9. Trump International Hotel dan Tower (Chicago)
The Trump International Hotel dan Tower 9 gedung tertinggi di dunia. The Trump International Hotel dan Tower, juga dikenal sebagai Trump Tower Chicago dan lokal sebagai Trump Tower, adalah kondominium-hotel pencakar langit di pusat kota Chicago, Illinois. Bangunan, dinamai pengembang real estate Donald Trump, dirancang oleh arsitek Adrian Smith dari Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Bovis Pinjamkan Sewa membangun struktur 92 lantai, yang mencapai ketinggian 1.389 kaki (423 m) termasuk puncak menara tersebut, atapnya topping keluar pada 1.170 kaki (360 m).
Hal ini berdekatan dengan cabang utama Sungai Chicago, dengan pemandangan entri ke Danau Michigan di luar rangkaian jembatan di atas sungai. Bangunan ini menerima publisitas ketika pemenang musim pertama dari acara televisi Apprentice, Bill Rancic, memilih untuk mengelola pembangunan menara.

The Trump International Hotel and Tower 9th tallest building in the world. The Trump International Hotel and Tower, also known as Trump Tower Chicago and locally as the Trump Tower, is a skyscraper condo-hotel in downtown Chicago, Illinois. The building, named after the real estate developer Donald Trump, was designed by architect Adrian Smith of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Bovis Lend Lease to build 92-story structure, which reaches a height of 1389 feet (423 m) including the spire, roof topping out at 1170 feet (360 m).
It is adjacent to the main branch of the Chicago River, with views of Lake Michigan at the entry to the outside of the bridge over the river. This building received publicity when the winner of the first season of the television show the Apprentice, Bill Rancic, chose to manage the construction of the tower.

8. West Tower Guangzhou (Guangzhou)
Menjadi bangunan tertinggi Guangzhou Barat 8 Tower adalah sebuah bangunan publik yang sangat tinggi. Efisiensi energi evaluasi façade yang harus berbeda dibandingkan dengan bangunan umum biasa. Berdasarkan GB50189 kode nasional-2005, “Desain Standar untuk efisiensi Energi Bangunan Publik”, khas tahunan data meteorologi untuk Guangzhou digunakan dan direvisi sesuai dengan karakter arsitektur Guangzhou Tower Barat.
Efisiensi energi desain fasad kulit tunggal dan dinding aliran udara tirai aktif dianalisis dengan alat simulasi energi dinamis dan data cuaca dimodifikasi. Masa pengembalian investasi awal dalam sistem fasad dievaluasi berdasarkan hasil simulasi. Selain itu, hasil konfirmasi skema sistem façade Guangzhou Tower Barat.

Guangzhou became the tallest building West 8 Tower is a very high public buildings. Evaluation of energy efficiency façade should be different than the usual public buildings. Based on the national code GB50189-2005, "Design Standards for Public Buildings Energy efficiency", typical meteorological yearly data for Guangzhou were used and revised in accordance with the architectural character of Guangzhou West Tower.
Energy efficiency of a single skin facade design and active airflow curtain wall was analyzed by a dynamic energy simulation tool and modified weather data. The payback period of the initial investment in facade system is evaluated based on simulation results. In addition, the results confirm the façade system scheme of Guangzhou West Tower.

7. Willis Tower (Chicago)
Willis Tower, sebelumnya bernama Sears Tower, adalah 108-cerita 1.451 kaki (442 m) pencakar langit di Chicago, Illinois. Pada saat penyelesaian pada tahun 1973, itu adalah gedung tertinggi di dunia, melebihi menara World Trade Center di New York. Saat ini, Willis Tower adalah gedung tertinggi di Amerika Serikat dan kelima struktur berdiri bebas tertinggi di dunia serta bangunan tertinggi kelima di dunia untuk atap. Meskipun hak Sears ‘penamaan berakhir pada tahun 2003, bangunan terus disebut Sears Tower selama beberapa tahun.
Namun, Maret 2009 broker asuransi yang berbasis di London Willis Group Holdings, Ltd, setuju untuk menyewakan sebagian bangunan dan memperoleh hak penamaan bangunan sebagai bagian dari perjanjian.Pada tanggal 16 Juli 2009, jam 10:00 Central Time, bangunan itu secara resmi berganti nama menjadi Willis Tower.

Willis Tower, formerly the Sears Tower, the 108-story 1451 feet (442 m) skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois. On completion in 1973, it is the world's tallest building, surpassing the World Trade Center towers in New York. Currently, Willis Tower is the tallest building in the United States and the fifth-tallest freestanding structure in the world and the fifth tallest building in the world for the roof. Although Sears' naming rights expired in 2003, the building continued to be called the Sears Tower for several years.
However, in March 2009 the insurance broker's London-based Willis Group Holdings, Ltd., agreed to lease a portion of the building and obtain the building's naming rights as part of the agreement dated July 16, 2009, at 10:00 am Central Time, the building was officially renamed become Willis Tower.

6. Nanjing Greenland Keuangan Pusat (Nanjing)
Nanjing Greenland Financial Center adalah, 89-cerita 450 meter (1500 kaki) tinggi pencakar langit yang dibangun di Nanjing, Cina. Menara adalah bangunan tertinggi kelima di dunia dan kedua tertinggi di cina belakang lantai observasi Keuangan Dunia Shanghai Center.The 72-cerita, di 287 meter (940 kaki) dari tanah, akan menawarkan pemandangan panorama kota Nanjing serta Sungai Yangtze, yang Ningzheng Ridge gunung dan dua danau di dekatnya.

Nanjing Greenland Financial Center is, 89-story 450 meter (1500 feet) tall skyscraper that was built in Nanjing, China. Tower is the fifth tallest building in the world and second highest in the rear floor observation china Shanghai World Financial Center.The 72-story, at 287 meters (940 feet) of land, will offer panoramic views of the city of Nanjing and the Yangtze River, which Ningzheng Ridge mountains and two nearby lakes.
5. Petronas Towers (Kuala Lumpur)
Menara Kembar Petronas (juga dikenal sebagai Petronas Tower atau hanya Twin Towers), di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia adalah menara kembar dan gedung tertinggi di dunia, sebelum dikalahkan oleh Taipei 101. Namun, menara masih merupakan bangunan kembar tertinggi di dunia. Mereka adalah gedung tertinggi di dunia 1998-2004 jika diukur dari tingkat pintu masuk utama ke atas struktural, referensi tinggi asli yang digunakan oleh Dewan berbasis di AS pada Bangunan Tinggi dan Urban Habitat dari 1969 (tiga kategori tinggi tambahan diperkenalkan sebagai menara hampir selesai tahun 1996).

Petronas Twin Towers (also known as the Petronas Tower or just Twin Towers), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are twin towers and the tallest building in the world, before being beaten by Taipei 101. However, the tower is still the tallest twin buildings in the world. They are the world's tallest buildings when measured from the 1998-2004 level of the main entrance to structural top, the original height reference used by the U.S. based Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat from 1969 (three additional height categories were introduced as the tower is almost completed in 1996 ).
4. Pusat Perdagangan Internasional (Hong Kong)
Pusat Perdagangan Internasional adalah lantai 118, 484 m (1590 ft) dalam pembangunan gedung pencakar langit di West Kowloon, Hong Kong, sebagai bagian dari proyek Union Square dibangun di atas Kowloon Station. Pembangunan ini dimiliki dan bersama-sama dikembangkan oleh MTR Corporation Limited dan Sun Hung Kai Properties, metro operator Hong Kong dan pengembang properti terbesar masing-masing.

International Trade Center is a 118 floor, 484 m (1590 ft) skyscraper under construction in West Kowloon, Hong Kong, as part of the Union Square project built on top of Kowloon Station. The development is owned and jointly developed by MTR Corporation Limited and Sun Hung Kai Properties, Hong Kong metro operator and largest property developer respectively.
3. Shanghai World Financial Center (Shanghai)
Shanghai World Financial Center adalah sebuah pencakar langit super tinggi di Pudong, Shanghai, Cina. Ini adalah pencakar langit menggunakan campuran yang terdiri dari perkantoran, hotel, ruang konferensi, deck observasi, dan pusat perbelanjaan di lantai tanah.Park Hyatt Shanghai adalah hotel yang mengandung komponen 174 kamar dan suite.Menempati 79 ke lantai 93, itu adalah hotel tertinggi di dunia, melebihi Grand Hyatt Shanghai di 53 untuk 87 lantai dari tetangga Jin Mao Tower.

Shanghai World Financial Center is a super high skyscrapers in Pudong, Shanghai, China. This is a mixed use skyscraper which consists of offices, hotels, conference rooms, observation decks, and shopping malls on the floor tanah.Park Hyatt Shanghai is the hotel component containing 174 rooms and suite.Menempati 79 to 93 floors, it is the tallest hotel in the world, surpassing the Grand Hyatt Shanghai in 53 to 87 floors of the neighboring Jin Mao Tower.
2. Taipei 101 (Taipei)
Taipei 101 juga dikenal sebagai Taipei Financial Center, adalah sebuah pencakar langit landmark yang terletak di Distrik Xinyi, Taipei, Taiwan. Bangunan adalah gedung tertinggi di dunia (dengan lantai occupiable) sampai ia melampaui tinggi oleh Khalifa Burj pada tanggal 21 Juli 2007. gedung pencakar langit ini secara resmi bangunan tertinggi sampai pembukaan Khalifa Burj pada 4 Januari 2010.

Taipei 101 also known as the Taipei Financial Center, is a landmark skyscraper located in Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan. The building is the tallest building in the world (with the occupiable floor) until it was surpassed in height by the Burj Khalifa dated July 21, 2007. This skyscraper is officially the tallest building until the opening of the Burj Khalifa on January 4, 2010.
1. Burj Khalifa (Dubai)
Burj Khalifa sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Burj Dubai, adalah sebuah pencakar langit di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab, dan struktur buatan manusia tertinggi yang pernah dibangun, di 828 m (2717 ft).Konstruksi dimulai pada tanggal 21 September 2004, dengan bagian luar struktur diselesaikan pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2009. Bangunan ini resmi dibuka pada tanggal 4 Januari 2010. Bangunan ini merupakan bagian dari pembangunan kapal 2 km2 (490-acre) disebut Downtown Burj Khalifa di “First Interchange” di sepanjang Sheikh Zayed Road, di dekat distrik bisnis utama Dubai.
Total biaya untuk proyek Burj Khalifa adalah sekitar US $ 1,5 miliar. Arsitektur menara dan rekayasa yang dilakukan oleh Skidmore, Owings, dan Merrill Chicago. Adrian Smith, yang bekerja dengan Skidmore, Owings and Merrill sampai dengan tahun 2006, adalah arsitek kepala, dan Bill Baker adalah insinyur struktur kepala untuk proyek ini. Kontraktor utama adalah Samsung C & T Korea Selatan, yang juga membangun Taipei 101 dan Petronas Twin Towers.

Burj Khalifa formerly known as Burj Dubai, is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and the tallest man-made structure ever built, at 828 m (2717 ft). Construction began on 21 September 2004, with the exterior of the structure was completed in dated October 1, 2009. The building was officially opened on January 4, 2010. The building is part of the construction of the vessel 2 km2 (490-acre) Downtown Burj Khalifa called the "First Interchange" along Sheikh Zayed Road, near the main business district of Dubai.
Total cost for the project Burj Khalifa is approximately U.S. $ 1.5 billion. Architecture and engineering of the tower by Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill of Chicago. Adrian Smith, who worked with Skidmore, Owings and Merrill until 2006, was the chief architect, and Bill Baker is the chief structural engineer for this project. The main contractor is Samsung C & T South Korea, who also built the Taipei 101 and Petronas Twin Towers.

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